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Sample Course (Free) is just for testing.
Then students can do Online Grade-1 course.
Students can download the following APP.
Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/moodle/id633359593?mt=8
For Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.moodle.moodlemobile&hl=en_IN
For Desktop: https://moodle.com/desktop-app/
Website section: gitacourse.com
Enter your login ID and Password
- Download the PDF files of each chapter before the exams. Read the questions carefully and then answer.
- Each question paper consists of multiple choice answers. Each question will have 4 options or answers to choose from. Click or tick the right answer or option.
- Some of the questions have more than one answer which are nearly or equal to right. In such cases only the best or equal to right should be chosen.
- Please note, you cannot submit your answers of the same chapter more than three times.
- Minimum 70% is required to pass the exams.
- If you are not finished with attempting your answers then please click ‘finish attempt’ to keep it pending.
- Please click ‘Submit all & Finish’ only when all the questions are answered or when you have accomplished your attempts.
- You can step on to the next chapter only when your previous step is accomplished.
- You can download your certificate after successfully accomplishing all your attempts in reading and answering all the questions related to the 18 chapters of Bhagavad-Gita.
- Alternatively you can also collect your original certificate from Gita Bhavan's Bhaktivedanta Gita Academy office at Sri Mayapur Dham.