Students can download the following APP.
For Apple: Moodle on the App Store (
For Android:
Website section:
Enter your login ID and Password
Download the PDF files of each chapter before the exams. Read the questions carefully and then answer.
Each question paper consists of multiple choice answers. Each question will have 4 options or answers to choose from. Click or tick the right answer or option.
Some of the questions have more than one answer which are nearly or equal to right. In such cases only the best or equal to right should be chosen.
Please note, you cannot submit your answers of the same chapter more than three times.
Minimum 70% is required to pass the exams.
If you are not finished with attempting your answers then please click ‘finish attempt’ to keep it pending.
Please click ‘Submit all & Finish’ only when all the questions are answered or when you have accomplished your attempts.
You can step on to the next chapter only when your previous step is accomplished.
You can download your certificate after successfully accomplishing all your attempts in reading and answering all the questions related to the 18 chapters of Bhagavad-Gita.
Alternatively you can also collect your original certificate from Gita Bhavan's Bhaktivedanta Gita Academy office at Sri Mayapur Dham.
See below.....